1 lb (4bars) sweet butter chilled
4 cups sifted all purpose flour
(Sift before measuring)
1 tsp salt
1 cup ice water
1. Cut bars of butter in half lengthwise. Place side by side on sheet of waxed paper to form rectangle. Refrigerate to chill. Sift flour and salt into large bowl. With fork stir in ice water; mix well (dough will be dry) Mix with hands until four disappears.
2. Shape into ball on unfloured surface knead dough until smooth and elastic-10 min. Cover with bowl, let rest 20 min. (Dough will be easier to roll out) One lightly floured pastry cloth, with covered rolling pin, roll dough into a 22-by-6-inch rectangle.
3. Place butter on half of dough, ½ inch in from sides. Fold other half of dough over butter; press edges together with fingertips to seal. Refrigerate wrapped in foil, ½ hour to chill. With rolling pin, press dough lightly several times to flatten butter.
4. On lightly floured pastry cloth, quickly roll out lengthwise into a 20-by-8-inch rectangle pulling out corners to keep square. Roll from center out with firm even strokes rolling over sides lightly only when desired length and width have been reached.
5. From short side, fold dough into thirds, making sure edges and corners are even; press edges firmly to seal. Chill in foil ½ hour. On lightly floured pastry cloth, with folded side of dough at right, reroll dough lengthwise into 20-by-8-inch rectangle, as in Step 4.
6. (If butter breaks through pastry, brush spot very lightly with flour) Fold in thirds; refrigerate as in Step 5. Repeat rolling, folding, and chilling of dough four more times (six times in all) Refrigerate the dough 3 hours, or until ready to use. Makes 2 ½ lbs.
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